Club #4216

What's New?

Click Here for directions to the Flying Site.


Click Here for the current Flying Field Rules.


The club meets the fourth Thursday of every month.  Click Here for the meeting schedule.


Click Here for information about upcoming Pylon Racing  events


For anyone who may be interested in learning to fly, please contact the club, click here.  Plane will be provided if necessary.



 Cedar City Radio Control Club


Current as of 01/01/2013

Article I: Name

            The name of the organization shall be “Cedar City Radio Control Club”


Article II: Purpose

It shall be the purpose of this organization to develop the art of radio control modeling through the pursuit of research and training programs, as the members shall feel useful, and to implement these programs through the holding of regular contests between members and hosting contests with other clubs. It shall further be the purpose of this organization to aid the cause of Aero modeling through educational programs designed to acquaint the public with the degree of Aero modeling available.


Article III: Membership

The membership of this organization shall consist of all interested persons, regardless of age, who express a desire to join, pledge to follow club rules and regulations, and who pay all dues or other monies as assessed by the club at regular meetings.


Article IV: Meetings

Meetings of the Cedar City Radio Control Club shall be held at least twelve (12) times per year and at such times and places as the membership shall approve by majority vote. Operation of the club-flying site shall not be considered a meeting. Transaction of business may be conducted by a majority vote of members present at a regular stated meeting.


Article V: Officers

The officers of this club shall consist of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Safety Coordinator. The executive board of the club shall consist of the above officers and any standing committee chairpersons. Officers may be removed from office by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the entire membership.


Article VI: Elections

Election for officers shall take place at the October meeting of each year. The members in the meeting shall submit nominations, and voting shall be by secret ballot. A candidate must receive a majority of the votes cast to be elected. All officers and executive board members shall serve terms of one (1) year and shall take office at the January meeting of the following year.


Vacancies in office shall be filled by nomination and election of a club member to fill the vacant office for the remainder of the term. Such nomination and election shall take place at the club meeting at which the vacancy is announced.


Article VII: Duties of Officers

1.      President: It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all club meetings   and to represent the club at public affairs.

2.      Vice President: It shall be the duty of the Vice President to preside in the absence of the president.

3.      Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Secretary to take minutes at all meetings, to handle all club correspondence and keep a file of aforementioned.

4.      Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to collect all club dues and keep records of all income and expenditures, to keep all funds safe and to manage the purchase of all equipment, etc. for the club upon authorization by members.

5.      Safety Coordinator:  It shall be the duty of the Safety Coordinator to insure safety procedures, either those agreed upon by the club in the form of Flying Field rules, etc., or those adopted and forwarded from the AMA, including any changes or updates to the current safety code, are made known to the membership of the club.  It will also be the duty of the Safety Coordinator that any safety concerns arising during a club sponsored activity or during general club flying or gathering are addressed and corrected if necessary.


Article VIII: Committees

            Committees shall be appointed as necessary.   


Article IX: Amendments

These By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting at any meetings of the club, provided such proposed amendments were distributed or announced to all club members at least seven (7) days in advance of the meeting.  The announcement may be either in written form or by electronic mail or telephone.  Announcements carried out via electronic mail or telephone must be logged or noted as such by the person making the notification and show the method and date in which it occurred.  The club executive board may veto an amendment, but if at the next regular meeting the veto is announced and a simple majority of those members vote to override the veto, the amendment shall go into effect. The amendment shall also go into effect if the executive board fails to announce its veto at the first regular meeting following the original vote of the amendment.  


Article X: Dues and Assessments

Dues to support the club will be collected by the treasurer on an annual basis in an amount established by the club in meeting by a simple majority vote of the members present.


Club dues are set at $25.00 per calendar year and are due January 1 of the current year.  Club membership is valid from the date dues are paid until December 31 of the same year. 


Anyone who has never been a member previously and wishes to join the club anytime on or before August 31 of the current calendar year can join for free for the remainder of the current calendar year.  Anyone who has never been a member previously and wishes to join the club anytime on or after September 1 of the current calendar year can join for free for the remainder of the current calendar year plus the entire following calendar year.  This is a one time only offer to new members only. 


Current club members who have not renewed membership before April 1 of the current year will no longer be considered members of the club.


Assessments may be levied by the club for special projects and must be paid promptly. Assessments must be approved by the club membership in meeting by a simple majority vote.


All club monies collected by the Treasurer will be deposited in an accredited bank, savings and loan or credit union.


All club monies paid out will be paid by check with double signature required by any two (2) club officers.


Officers of the club may use or appropriate club funds for amounts up to and including $100.00 to purchase items or for other reasons so long as it is intended or needed for the sole use of the club without the consent or vote of the club.  Any other items that need to be purchased or any other reasons for dispersing club funds that are over the amount of $100.00 must be approved by a majority vote of the club during a regular club meeting.


Article XI: Non-Profit Organization

This club will be a non-profit organization as defined by Federal and Utah State laws.


Article XII: AMA Membership Requirements

Current membership in the Academy of Model Aeronautics, (AMA), will not be required to be considered a full member of the club.  AMA membership will also not be required for inclusion or to participate as a non-flyer in any club-sponsored event or activity.  However, AMA membership will be required by anyone, (club member or not), who is intending to fly at any club sponsored event, or any other event, activity or occasion in which he or she is an active flying participant and any representation of the club may be known or implied.


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